Frontline Analysts Blog
Outrage is right, but do you want to help solve the Presidents Club problem?
What happened at the Presidents Club quite rightly generated a howl of outrage from the real City, the proper City. Moving past that, how do you help solve the Presidents Club problem? The answer is easy, cheap and profitable.
How to get low staff turnover in off-shore arrangements
Off-shore staff are notorious for high levels of turnover. I’m guessing that McDonald’s wherever you live has high turnover of staff too. Is it something about Indians? Is it something about Chicken McNuggets? I doubt it.
How to sell research to investment managers in a MIFID II world
It looks very much as if MIFID II is happening, and that it will cover all the sell-side and almost all the buy-side.
Here’s one way to value bitcoin
The past few weeks have been stressful for investors of bitcoin and other digital currencies, leaving them struggling to decipher bitcoin’s true value.
Choosing a near-shore location: Dharma at Big Sur
Where can you efficiently locate offices for risk management and capital markets analysts? Whether you are looking at near-shore or off-shore locations, or indeed which corner of your trading floor you want to place people in, there are three key considerations.
Inflexible working is a forlorn search for times lost
Should bankers come back to the office? Opinion is divided amongst the great and the good of banking C-suites (US and Europe split on bringing bankers back to the office, Financial Times, 10th May 2021).
Life is Elsewhere, Życie jest gdzie indziej, जीवन कहीं और है
These days, when it comes to off-shoring thinking tasks, a lot of banks are feeling pretty jaded with wherever their off-shoring has been done. Usually that’s India.
Why wonkishness matters for budgets – a note for CFOs, COOs & Procurement
We all know that offshore analysts are hugely efficient for budgets. Unhappily, local research and risk analysts tend to resist increasing their usage.
Extra brains in your executive office would look like this
It has been just over 9 months since my colleague Gunjan and I started supporting one of the CROs of a large Canadian bank.
Financial Crime - training analysts to understand context
From my 38 years of experience, my advice to new Financial Crime and Anti Money Laundering analysts is that you must understand the underlying crimes which create the problem funds.
What regulators need from the financial cloud
There is no such thing as delegation of responsibility in a regulated industry.
Resilience, cyber and the sums of fears
Talking to financial sector companies and investors about the future of their technology systems, I have been surprised to discover that one of the biggest attractions of cloud computing for them was something as simple as being able to automate software updates.
Guide for risk managers part 2: planning your cost-efficient team augmentation
You’re a risk manager who has been mandated to plan cost-efficient augmentation of your team. You’ve opened a file, done save as, what next? Read how to move from tabula rasa to a plan.
First steps for risk managers who have to offshore or augment their teams
Costs need to come down in banking, so it’s inevitable that the CEO or COO will knock on the door of risk management and mandate offshoring or augmentation.
How to train your dragons: five little-known ways to activate the talent of analysts offshore
A few years ago I was asked to take up the challenge of helping to fast track top level Indian analysts into global capital markets.
The home front: managing home centre managers when augmenting
When introducing or upgrading an augmented research team, banks, asset managers and risk managers often hope that their home centre teams will automatically work out how to collaborate with these resources.
How to convert lame outsourcing into energised outsourcing
Here are two things which I often hear from analysts who work with offshore resources, and I’ve been wondering how they can be consistent
Remote working sorts out the good and bad managers – a view from our head of Client Engagement
A cup of tea, some toast and watching the news. That’s my morning routine for when I am working in my office.
The Economist quotes Frontline Analysts on Deutsche Bank
The appointment of a dyed-in-the-wool retail banker as head of Deutsche Bank is at best a pointless exercise in the bank’s continuing search for a new identity in the post-2008 financial landscape. At worst it suggests a bank heading in completely the wrong direction.
Deutsche Bank made a familiar mistake by appointing Christian Sewing CEO
Einstein’s definition of insanity was doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.