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Why does remote working sometimes flop? Simple: bandwidth. 

Ashbys Law puts it best: The variety of the controller must be equal to or greater than the variety of the system under control. 

In everyday terms: Your communication and info-processing skills need to match the complexity of what you’re managing. 

Here’s the crux: Data must be timely, relevant, and actionable to keep an information system working. 

Our main challenge? Bandwidth. Often, our communication channels can’t handle the load. 

Think about it: One office-based grad often outperforms four experienced offshore analysts. Thats Ashbys Law at play. 

Systems balance their info load with communication bandwidth, often by doing less to generate less information. But we can do better

Lets enhance our communication capacity and unlock the full potential of remote work. 

Ready to break free from remote work bottlenecks? Lets connect and share strategies!